Krabl Mesh Library
A C# library to process meshes in Unity3D
KrablMesh | |
CreaseDetect | Static methods to deal with marking edges as creases. |
ImportExport | Static methods to convert between Unity meshes and Krabl Mesh Library meshes. |
MeshEdges | A polygonal mesh with edge information. |
Ops | Some static methods to do operations on MeshEdges. |
SimplifyParameters | The parameters used for a edge-collapse simplification operation. |
Simplify | An edge-collapsed based simplification algorithm MeshEdges. |
SubdivideQParameters | The parameters used for quad-based mesh subdivision. |
SubdivideQ | An mesh subdivision algorithm based on quads. |
KrablMeshUtility | A collection of static calls to easily use the Krabl Mesh Library in Unity3D scripts. |