Krabl Mesh Library
A C# library to process meshes in Unity3D
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KrablMesh.SubdivideQParameters Class Reference


The parameters used for quad-based mesh subdivision.


bool KrablMesh.SubdivideQParameters.trisToQuads = true

Perform a triangles to quads operation before starting the subdivision iterations. Quads lead to much better subdivision results.

float KrablMesh.SubdivideQParameters.trisToQuadsMaxAngle = 40.0f

The max edge angle allowed for an edge which is dissolved during the triangles to quads pre-processing step.

int KrablMesh.SubdivideQParameters.iterations = 1

The number of subdivision iterations to perform. Every iteration produces four quads for every face of the input, so the face count quadruples. Higher iteration numbers quickly lead to excessive face and vertex numbers Unity3D currently cannot handle. There's a limit of 65k vertices and triangles.

bool KrablMesh.SubdivideQParameters.smooth = true

If smooth is false, vertices are not interpolated, but only linearly split and the mesh shape does not change.

bool KrablMesh.SubdivideQParameters.recalculateNormals = true

Recalculate normals after all subdivision steps. The alternative is linear interpolation of the original normals. Recalculating usually leads to better results that conform better to the new mesh shape.